The Houston Sustainability Indicators (HSI) project is a long-range effort to assist with the measurement and characterization of community sustainability and urban sustainability in Houston.
Metrics for the chosen indicators were defined and are measured based on literature review; expert and advisory consultation; and data availability.
Press release
Houstonians can learn more about sustainability and livability issues in the Bayou City thanks to a new, smart and interactive website
from Rice University's sustainability indicators portal.
- HSI was funded by the Shell Center for Sustainability from 2010 - 2017. Please watch our
video tutorial to learn more about our program and to view the initial visualization portal.
- HSI continues, through an exciting partnership with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the HSI project will continue to visualize Sustainability in Houston at the neighbourhood-level through charts and maps of important measures of well-being, such as
poverty rates (SDG 1),
high school graduation (SDG 4),
transit use (SDG 13) and more.